Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What we Learned

The Pyles learned that Kammi can get a lot done by way of yard and housework (mowed the lawn in a cool diagonal pattern and actually did laundry) when her computer and other electronic devices are out of battery and can't be plugged in. :)
Also learned that cold rotisserie chicken isn't too bad but learning how to heat food without an electric stove would be helpful.
The Pyles apparently need to visit the Auto Emergency class on Saturday because Kammi could only think of 4 things to check in a broken down car and we only have 'hotties' for our hands in the cars and no blankets.  (And you thought we were good at this! ;)
But, we do have supplies to change a tire and jumper cables, so wohoo for the Pyles!
Please jot down what you learned today and where you can improve.  If you had a hard time today, attend the Home Emergencies and Auto Emergencies classes on Saturday.


  1. My favorite was when Isaac came home from school ready to watch a cartoon and I reminded him we have no electricity he said, " UHHHHH this electricity thing is soooo HARD!"

    I learned I need to make sure my flashlights are ready and accessible for my kids. I had emergency food in the car and then two Saturdays ago we were hungry at a soccer game and ate it. Darn it! Moral of the story, I should keep emergency food to be used in the case of an emergency NOT for a snack.
