Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 5

Add to your Kits:

· Shovel—1 per family
· Utensils—1 set per person


Conduct a mock black-out.  See page 334 in Family Home Evening resource book or follow the ‘FHE Blackout Activity’ link for instructions.

Activities to do in the dark: flashlight hide and seek, sing camp songs, play games by candlelight, tell stories, have a family slumber party, build a sofa fort, play capture the flag, memorize scriptures, hold a testimony meeting, do a bubble gum blowing contest, go on a treasure hunt, put items in a can and shake them—then guess what is in the can, put items in a bag and feel them—the guess what is in the bag.

Tips and other Info:

· Tri-folding shovel available at Emergency Essentials for $8.95.
· Coleman tri-folding shovel at for $9.92 w/ free site-to-store.
· Get the complete 3 month plan!  Click on ‘3 month plan'.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit, even though this was my idea I wasn't too excited to do a blackout for FHE. Despite my lack of excitement, however, we had a great time. We were able to test out flashlights and lanterns and discover that we could live off of cold Spaghettios, peanut butter and jelly, and tuna in a power outage (I may be stocking more Kammi friendly foods soon). Please leave a comment about your experience. If you didn't get a chance to do the activity, I'll encourage you to do it next week. Thanks for following the blog!
