Friday, September 10, 2010


Welcome to the Eagle Mountain 9th Ward emergency preparedness blog.  Here on the blog we will provide you with information and tips on how to get your family prepared.  We'll start with getting your entire family completely prepared for emergencies in just 3 months. 
That's right, follow our blog each week and find a new thing to do that week to be prepared.  We promise if you follow each week's instructions, your family will all have basic 72 hour kits and valuable skills to help in the case of an emergency, large or small, by the end of 3 months.
Week 1 is September 19th, so check back then for your instructions!
FYI, we will also provide handouts at church if you prefer not to check the blog each week, just let us know.


  1. Thanks for doing this! It looks great : )

  2. I love this! This will really help our family with our emergency-ness. :) We really appreciate the great effort you have put into this. Thanks!
